Published 13:55 IST, January 29th 2024
Rummy Gaming in India: A Comprehensive Analysis of User Preferences and Patterns
Around 63% of rummy players prefer the real game involving funds, while 37% look forward to the entertainment aspect and the thrill of competition, skills.
- Tech
- 4 min read
For as long as we can remember, rummy has been about arranging the cards in the right manner as fast as possible. But with the advent of real cash rummy played on online platforms, there is a lot of meaningful rummy-related data being generated. This data and its analysis have added a new perspective for the rummy platforms as well as for rummy enthusiasts. The skill-related aspects of the game are now studied with greater detail. As are the preferences, patterns and demographics of the typical Indian rummy player.
User Patterns Emerging from Real Cash Rummy
It is not uncommon for platforms to experience a footfall of more than 1 lakh players in any given 12-hour window. Games played during such periods can easily run into several lakhs. There is a verified active user base that runs into crores for several of the leading Indian real cash rummy platforms. RummyTime, for instance, has over 1.5 crore active users registered on its platform. At this point, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in driving the real game industry numbers must be acknowledged. The real-money gaming industry saw a 50% increase in downloads during the pandemic.
Around 63% of rummy players prefer the real game involving funds, while 37% look forward to the entertainment aspect and the thrill of competition, skill and strategy. However, the number of patrons of real money gaming has been increasing over the years. In 2021, 80-85 million of the 400 million gamers in India were paid money gamers. By 2026, it is expected that 230-240 million of the 690-710 million total Indian gamers will be paid gamers. This could be a 13% increase in the percentage of paid gamers out of total gamers.
In FY2022, it was observed that nearly 10% of the total gamers in India preferred card-based real-money gaming. Within the big three of real money gaming, rummy has been commanding around 60% of the customer base, followed by 31% in fantasy sports and 9% in poker. Single-game platforms like RummyTime have dominated the real money gaming market space.
So far, the popularity of rummy app has been highly skewed towards South India. Sustained growth in real money rummy gaming is estimated on the back of the growth potential in the rest of India.
Preferences of the Indian Rummy Player
It can be observed that several factors dictate the preferences of the Indian rummy player.
Game time - The first point of preference comes in the form of game time. Rummy can be points rummy, pool rummy and deals rummy. The fast-paced points rummy is preferred by players who are in for a quick bout of entertainment. Deal rummy involves a series of hands and takes comparatively more time. Pool rummy involves rounds of player eliminations and a longer game time.
Skill level - Skill level is another important determinant when it comes to rummy gaming preferences. Players relying on fast thinking and decision-making prefer the points variant, while the deals variant is preferred by players who like to rely on their strategic game planning. Pool rummy also involves skills and strategies but also requires a long-term game plan. This variant is preferred by players with a serious interest in harnessing their rummy skills.
Format - The Indian rummy player also decides their rummy preference based on the game format. There are tables with anywhere between two to six players. There are various tournament formats to choose from as well, which is ideal for players looking for intense competition. Platforms like RummyTime also offer practice games and free tournaments for newcomers to the game.
Stakes - Being a real money game, the stakes are an important determinant for the typical rummy player. From free entry tournaments to ones with a few thousand rupees as entry fees, players in platforms like RummyTime can decide how high their stakes can be.
The Preferred Game for Players
Across its different variants and playing modes, the popularity of rummy gaming in India continues. The traditional popularity of the game in Indian society and its well-ingrained acceptability as a mode of entertainment has immensely contributed to making rummy one of the most preferred games for players.
Updated 14:30 IST, January 29th 2024