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Published 19:46 IST, April 3rd 2024

Art Therapy For All: Effectiveness And Things You Need To Consider

Art at its core is therapeutic. Art therapy in this regard is inching away from being categorised as off-beat to entering the confines of mainstream techniques.

art therapy | Image: Unsplash

The healing effects of art cannot be denied. As a matter of fact, any outlet which in the long run helps express one's creativity, has proven to be largely healing in its overall impact. However, can art be therapy? The affirmative answer to this is a resounding yes. While the layman may tend to believe that art (and adjoining 'therapy') is an option up for grabs only when it comes to kids, the same is not entirely true. Additionally, art therapy does not necessarily have to involve colours and a canvas - dance therapy, drama therapy , expressive therapy, music therapy and writing therapy, all form the subtypes of art therapy.

Delving into the benefits and effectiveness of art therapy

As per a Very Well Mind report, art therapy can prove to be a good fit for adults experiencing severe stress, children experiencing behavioral or social problems at school or at home, children or adults who have experienced a traumatic event, children with learning disabilities, individuals living with a brain injury and people experiencing mental health problems. While art therapy does not promise to vanquish the problem, it has over time, shown an effectiveness in reducing its intensity.

Reports cited by Very Well Mind, indicate lowered levels of trauma symptoms and depression in adults. The primary focus of art therapy is relieving one of the intensity of their psychological conditions. Using creative means to release bottled up baggage - be it emotions, trauma or other impediments, serves as a catalyst in the overall journey to holistic healing. Additionally, indulging in art therapy has been known to help low self-esteem as well.

Things to consider

One thing that must be made clear from the get go, is that you absolutely do not need to be artistically inclined, let alone endowed, if you are considering art therapy. Art therapy's all inclusive premise works on making one feel valued and involved and artistic flair is not a prerequisite.

The processes involved simply help turn the mirror inward by encouraging focus on one's one perceptions. 

Updated 19:46 IST, April 3rd 2024

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